The last day of 2023 is now here. I welcome 2024 with excitement and anticipation.

I watch the daily sunrise with a prayerful attitude. I think of three simple words: gratitude, love, and forgiveness. How much more peaceful, happy, and beautiful each day would be for everyone if we lived with gratitude in our hearts, love for each person, and forgiveness of others and ourselves for transgressions.

This is a photo I took as a storm was making its initial entrance from the west. Each individual must learn from the storms of life to have joy and peace.

Wishing you a new year of peace, love, and joy.

20 thoughts on “2023: GRATITUDE FOR EACH SUNRISE.

  1. This is an amazing sunrise photo, Karen! Thank you for your wise words, gratitude, love, and forgiveness. We need to do that every moment of our daily life. Have a wonderful New Year!


  2. That is an amazing photo, Karen, and I completely agree with your sentiments about loving others, forgiveness, and learning from the storms of life.
    May there be less storms for all of us in 2024, with much more love and forgiveness. Happy New Year to you and yours! 🤗 ❤️


  3. Gratitude and blessings to YOU Karen, for all you share with the world. May 2024 be a year of health, healing, peace for all💜💜💜


  4. Karen, I am adopting the three works: gratitude, love and forgiveness for the coming year. Thank you for the idea and beautiful article. And also thank you for reminding me how much we learn from the storms in our lives. I know I have! Love you sister!


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